( -0239 ) People Unwilling To Be Experimental Guinea Pigs, they Must Be Racist Because...Twitter

3 years ago

Are Eugenicists Like Fauci The Real Racists? I've witnessed an improvement, and an increasing respect among widely diverse cultures. But at the same time elements in high places appear aimed at capitalizing on created division.

And now they've so thoroughly corrupted the medical and tech sectors that we are ALL in danger. If contaminated foods and water have impurified our blood up until now, with corporate masters unaccountable to the People, don't think it will improve with mandated (forced) experimental jabs (meant for everyone But the very elites.

Monsanto and the CDC avoid GMO foods and experimental mRNA jabs more so than the broad public - Fact - also we don't fully understand the mechanism of reverse transcriptase in the protein construct of these vaccines - Reverse transcriptase is brand new relative to many doctor's educations so when they tell you it can't affect your DNA...).
When I saw the audio portion (vocal portion) of Pure Blooded (by the amazing Foreigner Cover Band - see below - I decided to test my sensitivity training, and also try and learn how to sync disparate music video/audio content (the video largely comes from some Foreigner live performances at different tempo, and the Pure Blood performance (see below) and Foreigner performance both shift tempo quite a bit - so it was a fun learning experiment.

But when finished, I thought, "Should I really post what the programmed will interpret as vile and bigoted content?"

Yes. I am posting it, because I have always lived multi-culturally, and certainly don't think demanding rights to our own bodies, no matter what race or background we have, is the problem. The problem is that the shifty elites have always employed psychology against the unintelligent, and used them as underlings. They brought in the cocaine, they delivered weapons into segregated ghettos, I've witnessed it all.

Are there bigoted people in the backwoods of Tennessee? Obviously there are still some! Are they the one's running this diabolical show? No! That's ridiculous. Bigoted people can rise into political power, sure, but it usually takes a more cunningly "intelligent" sort of person to truly reach the top; someone who acts not out of bigotry but out of the cold, calculated quest to be part of technical world domination, I grew up in a family whose grandparents did dissertations on mending racism, that helped bridge chasms as civil rights were fought for in the school system in the 60's. I've been educated on the racism. And was close friends with some underground hip hop artists in the late 90's, who had learned that secret societies and social engineers were running things (see Jordan Maxwell video). But do you realize that they sterilized not only blacks but the mentally less-than-robust? Do you realize that black music artists who innovated "Gangster Rap" inadvertently set off a chain reaction where producers were paid in private prison stock to heavily promote this to their up-and-coming artists? Most people have no idea! Bigotry is a real problem. But don't assume, in less you know for sure, that a more pressing problem is not this: That sheltered psychopathic personalities, attract one another, and hide in the shadows doing the bidding of the most corrupt souls the world has ever seen. The main audio portion of this content is mirrored from 153Newsnet Sizzorfite channel - https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=2W2X1B6D6RK1

Please, if you know the artist that performed this let me know in the comments section. It is extremely difficult to cover Lou Gramm's vocals (guitar solo is great as well) and these guys deserve to be known!)

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