Dalek News 27 OCT 21

3 years ago

Bloody miserable Daleks won't shut up and leave me in peace to my horrible cooking channel

Welcome to the Darlek News Network

Today we examine a crypto currency named solana

Solana has a token traded under the symbol SOL

Solana has several unique features.

The network nodes, referred to as Validators,
elect one of their number to be the Supreme Leader.

The succession of leaders is known in advance.

Another main point is that the succession of hash tables
are used to provide a time ordered sequence of events.

Solana refers to this as Proof of History.

Since hash N has to be generated from Hash N minus 1, and Hash N minus 1
is produced from Hash N minus 2 etc, the sequence of events is determined.

Also, only a subset of such a hash chain needs to be published to allow the
deterministic generation of the block chain,

and each subset of the hash can be
used to verify an entire chain of hashes in parallel.

Only the leader is adding to the block chain at any time, and each state of the local block
contains all of the accounts that will be written to, allowing parallelization and optimization.

Archivers store old ledger information off chain.

Solana advertises a transaction rate of 50,000 a second.

These features have attracted many CEJB types or Crazy Eyed Jiggly Boobs, to endorse the project.

This is quaint, as the ape derived bipeds from Earth seem to always miss the point.

The future is more slavery and less freedom. Digital economies will make society unaccessable to
those who do not comply.

There will be transactions for walking down the street,
puffing a cigarette, monitoring your blood glucose, buying cigarettes or alcohol.

Your money can be made to expire and not be transferable to certain transactions, such as
purchasing firearms.

Rent can be due on a daily or hourly basis, holding a passport can be a
recurring charge, paid every hour.

If voice identification determines you have used proscribed words or you do not exhibit
sufficient social credit you can be punished.

If certain words or phrases are heard on
your cell phone you can be punished for associating with the wrong type of people.

Many thousands of transactions per individual
would be needed per person per day.

These must be encrypted and unavailable to the peasants
who believe that it is all for their own good.

What is needed is "Digital Freedom" i.e. slavery, which will require a fundamentally new

Solana, like Bitcoin, is only a stepping stone.

Thank you for watching.

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