A Hotspot

3 years ago

Have you ever felt “beached before” where the water goes out quickly and you find yourself on a sand bar with no way out? Beached in a “hotspot”! Rapidly things can come up in our lives and we can find ourself in an emotional “hotspot” and oh, can we human beings react so very badly! Oh no… I just backed myself in a corner and find myself in a “hotspot”. Been there and done that recently. Impulsive reaction! Hotspot + Impulsivity = Combustion! This is not what we want, it is not good. We get these moments in life where something adverse hits us smack in the face and we end up in a “hotspot” where our anger flares and we have a next choice to either use our self-control or throw up our emotions all over someone. Has that ever happened to you? Did you make the next right choice? If you are in a situation where someone has “pushed that button” and you find yourself in a relational “hot spot”, don’t try to navigate it alone. Wait before you react. Breathe in God, breathe out your anger, don’t flesh out, do the next right thing with God’s help and navigation. Even our sudden situations where tempers flare, God wants to be a part of, bring Him into it, trust Him and He can help us not react badly, but respond godly. God is always Present in our lives as close as the mention of His name. Just say Jesus. He is there for us even in our “hotspots” of this life, ready and willing to navigate us out of it safely. The next time you get in a “hotspot” don’t get yourself beached by anger. Look to God, let Him navigate you around the sandbar of shallow emotional reaction, out into the deep of Godly response. Got a “hotspot”, just breathe, look up to God, listen up, trust God to chart your course so you can respond godly. Make the next right choice, it matters. Explosive angry reaction fixes nothing, just makes the issue at hand worse. Reaction is from a worldly viewpoint, where response is from a Kingdom perspective. It truly is much better for us to live out of a kingdom perspective, less human mess. God bless us, MUCH… we need it in times such as these where tempers seem to flare so quickly. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/crappy-communication/

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