Pleiadian New Year

3 years ago

Pleiadian New Year
Humanity we are one of the families within the stellar framework of the evolution of galactic consciousness. Through mental time travel Pleiadians are aware of the genetics strands and purposes of each celestial connection. The formation of time follows the cycles within each composition of thought as rhythm, beat, tempo, style and character.
This explanation is necessary to begin to explain the architecture of time and hence consciousness. Time and space are inseparable. Time and Space are the platform of existence. Creation is mind expressing as from the seed of the singularity, first source, god, unity, prime creator there is life.
Pleiadians promote the science of triangles and genetic relationships between ET civilizations and humanity. Original evolution is rooted from the region of Vega where the Lyrian civilization initiated consciousness. The seed point enabled the Sirian Star Group to begin manifestation of many worlds into physical reality. The formation of the Human Brain is a Map of the star systems themselves as it holds the keys to explanations for the variety and freedom of existence to experiment.
The illusion, or veil of the mind has been given to Humanity in the form of sleep. In the moments of rest of the physical body the communication streams are opened. Brain waves, alpha, beta, theta, delta and there are many more vibratory frequencies and the mind brain operates similar to the internet where each node is a server. The brain is capable of receiving and transmitting scalar waves or understandable language and information. Under sleep there are no physical restrictions to the ability of the mind to listen and send brain waves and receive harmonic resonance into its mental vehicle.
Evolution of each species of intelligence follows a sequence and pattern of development. The rules of higher infinity physics requires time adjustments through which it is understood all conscious beings are time travelers.
A lifetime follows a chart related to Astrology and the Arts.
The mind is called individuality or singularity and in operation it is multidimensional. This rule demands communication as beings who become centered in linear time are subject to control and the overlords of illusion. Once the dream time becomes conscious then illusions are recognized in the same manner that art and music are felt and perceived. Pleiadian Astrology follows the principles of creation and explains itself through higher science.
Once consciousness began then awareness was realized as Time is the central component of Mind and creates life through polarity and possibility. The infinity matrix is a formula of creation where Infinity equals zero and creation equals one. A common knowledge, a priori by inference, that zero is a number of infinite potential and one is the number of specific creation. This binary understanding began the first architecture of being as seen in all symbol and literature and world knowledge. Humanity is polarized in every aspect and singularity is the first perspective where all live equals One and it is recognized as prime creator.
Zero is the realm of infinite potential and is not the actual polarity to one as it splits into positive and negative, +1 and -1 to equal Zero. The design is simplistic at is basic root and follows the principle of balance and resolves into pulsation. It is the giving out and receiving, breathing in and releasing in constant interchange where the infinity principle is found with the feminine infinity heart space and the masculine mental timelines of energetic vibration between the poles of +1 and -1. As you can see this trinity in all realities of life on earth. Is there a singularity within the celestially created fields of your existence. The point of this discussion is the ongoing human experiment to provide bodies as soul carriers that can evolve vibration into resonant coherence.
It is through the Arcturian gateway alignments with Andromedan principles of emotion in creations that the Pleiadians discovered expansive timeline loops. They provided a new field of concentric singularity compression and unification of multidimensional polarity into dynamic synergistic interchange. This means the creative field of existence upon the trinity of light, mind and soul or love to produce spirit and life perceived a prime directive, choice.
Pleiadians have developed time creation from the beginning to the end through the loop of memory and telepathy centered upon the regenerative infinity matrix of the zero or main principle. From the use of spherical physics the calculations of time and space follow the formula of linear spherical replication through regeneration. In this mystery the underlying basis of the masculine time mind is a regenerating catalyst in bringing templates of evolving existence.
Harmonic resonance is achieved when the choice points are freely distributed along the central strand of energy. The orbital relationships connect all existence in shared symmetry. The macrocosmic and microcosmic attend to the same dynamics of the polarity architecture where there is the interchange.
The science of time creation precludes special individuality as it appears as pre existence from the perspective of any individual consciousness. Within the time cells or time loops, relating to offerings of String Theory and understanding the universal membrane layers Pleiadian Scientists began the process of utilizing the Black Singularity, infinity matrix, field of creation, the Black Hole to compress and accelerate time and all the related movements of consciousness on linear progressions.
We recognize the Pleiadian program as the Teachers of Light who have founded the principles of galactic time management and the sequencing of harmonic evolution. When encapsulated into a mental vision it appears either as a memory or expectation that induces emotion. There is no difference in the emotional fields between a memory and an expectation. This is because each mental being operates within the field of illusion, the astral planes. It feels and seems as real for the participants in waking consciousness only. Sentient beings including the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians and other ET's from Lyran genetic instructions and the disincarnated spirits operate in this field. It is the central matrix where thought forms manifest and produce energetic vibratory fields.
Thought is the conscious activity of the mind and dreaming is the unconscious activity. The fundamental difference between thoughts and dreams is awareness. The personality mask in front of the spiritual being engaged in physical experiences of the illusion is what is called reality. The inner subconscious self of emotional patterns and experiences designs through the imagination dreams in semi conscious state. are social collective thoughts directly connected when chosen and given attention.
To clarify, illusion and reality are the opposites of the unified field of existence. Mind is the unified field and its energy is Life and Infinity is the field of activity. Infinity, Energy and Mind are the underlying trinity of being. No other adjectives are necessary as these are unified within the field and the universe is an infinity field.
After creation of the Earth, the Pleiadians installed a universal library of knowledge that includes the composition of time lines and patterns of other orchestrations of evolution to include physical 3D infrastructures. The Human Project is one part of a multi-faceted experiment to create diversity of forms and participating beings and to perform this presentation in real time with multiple vehicle instruments to develop imagination and synthesis for higher evolution of the species.
From this Library the Universities originated and engaged the Teachers of Light. The mental and physical principles of the process included the core belief system in polarity. It provides limited access to the internal workings of genetics and social genesis as well as remedial studies in natural sciences and psychology. The Library is the open source multidimensional genetic laboratory. It is the knowledge base of skills, talents and potentials of each being, choices, directions and completions of each life in past and future frameworks.
The Library holds the Akashic Hall of Records and is the planet Earth, Terra's consciousness. In the treasures of knowledge the planetary consciousness is necessary for physical time space beings to evolve. In the establishment of a soul singularity from stellar origination the Pleiadian Creation Matrix utilizes prime sentience to seed intelligence and empowers a single core personality of multidimensional character. This actor is engaged as a soul under the terminology of expression but operates through time through different perspective lenses to enable experience and knowledge. Humanity is a project that is directly under the responsibility of the Pleiadians. There are other stellar formations in the heavens and others in many ways different from humans as sentient beings with minds and communicated through on levels which are not related to Humans.
From the Pleiadian perspective this is consciousness with fundamental mechanisms which operate to manage thought. The archons, lords and rulers of dimensions it is the negative dimensions in alignment within the mechanical robotic realms of disengagement. The reptilian brain through the reticular positioning in harmonic resonance in the stagnation fields of vortex disintegration. As this is the free will universe choice provides for contrast.
To provide a quick tour of the local galaxy, as we know our origins are first source and the central race which arose from infinity to bring light or consciousness to matter. The Lyrans began with the development of Draco to instill first source will into bringing forth the positive light and the magnetic energy in developing the polarity of energies. The Pleiadians engaged in experiments to build life forms that hold first source creator energy. To create love as a choice. The prime genetic plan dictated it was necessary to have dual systems of consciousness in order to have awareness and perspective. Time, space and energy are the prerequisites to being a member of this order of creation.
In this or the Reptilian phase the people of Earth are subject to cold blooded non emotional beings with no understanding of the sacred. Their automatic responses are stimulus and response with a set of instinctual criteria to gain power. The overall function of their life is two dimensional without hesitation or consideration. The reactive state of mind is the pattern of reptilian existence.
The free will universe of space and time allows all polarities to co-exist in this reality. It is presented to humanity as an opportunity and a challenge to overcome the difficulties of conflict and produce harmony and peace. To accomplish this the program has been rewritten to engage the point of departure from the Human Plan to the reptilian robotic plan. The Human plan integrates emotional content with spiritual purpose to steward all life into evolution and advancement. The Reptilian plan is the opposite.
From in the realms of time where space, distance or physical power has no effect the Pleiadian Architects of this reality are inclined to rescue the inhabitants of a failed experiment. the time line that has been produced caused a rift in the seams of soul development where those of predatory races have instinctively gathered their talents to attack the boundaries. These boundaries were set up in the astral plane. It is called illusion. The boundary between physical reality and spiritual reality is also known as sleep. It is here time ceases and the awakening proceeds for the aspirants.
In the chaos of physical 3D change the Astral 4D realms are even more concentrated with diversity, illusion, perspectives and dreams. The quantum flux of indeterminacy is reached mixed into the mindscape as being able to read a whole library in one minute. In questions, challenges, problems and solutions the determination of validity is based by authentication by the spiritual overseers of 5D where there is the unity of all waves of creation.
The Reptilian mind is incapable of experiencing bliss, joy or knowledge of these things. The desire for this value of higher emotional content and soul has not evolved in their beings as the ground of compassion is weak and the light of the reptilian soul has sought root level survival and promotes fear to achieve these ends.
From the Pleiadian Perspective the engagement of higher forces of extraterrestrial origins must be fathomed in the context of time as material knowledge rather than a physical component of linear or even circular movement. In science the hypothesis is to witness time as the equal of space and the fabric of this universe is built upon the matrix of Spacetime and SoulMind.
Reptilians seek control from the root mentality where absolute control is the solution rather than cooperation and evolution. The face of existence is processed negatively rather than positively and the physical reptilian spirit carriers within the timelines are not connected the the Human Soul Mind.
Creation of the Reptilian species promised fundamentals where the soulmind could be appropriately blended with soul carriers, or human receptacle where the Reptilian would find peace. The sacrifices of the carriers created a larger boundary within the elemental fields as the 2D realms have become unstable and out of resonance with the larger body. The evolutionary standards are being weighed at this juncture to return Humanity and the Races to include, Sirian, Arcturian, Pleiadian and Lyran proto humanity as the template for restoration.
Scientifically, the Reptilians represent inbreeding through multiple timelines which has resulted in a technological crossover in the future. The reptilian mind is adaptable by the binary programming of technological, black white, yes no simplicity. The reptilian dreamstate is incapable of reaching levels of astral projection without massive influences of vital living essences. The intoxication of blood and gold provided a type of drug induced euphoria for the reptilian mind. Intelligence without compassion has become a signature of evil where the heart's beating cold blood have less etheric capacity to engage a lightbody.
The reptilians have energetic bodies to function and to contain a semi-conscious reality where selfish desires are the prime root of existence. Narcissistic alignments, rituals, experiments and anything to assist the goal of emotional satisfaction become quickly impure as the seed of the desire is for self gratification. Humanity holds the egg of reptilian existence as a cornerstone of archetypal development of species while not subject to its limitations.

Reptilian species are very prevalent in the universe with anything from Snakes, Lizards, Dinosaurs, Birds, Greys, Dragons, Draconians and other ET's of lesser known varieties. The nature of each person must be catalogued in alignment with purpose.
The purpose of humanity is held in families of light from the Pleiadian root races where humans are cross bred and manipulated there is a loss of light. Without light energy the soulmind is unreflective and its genetic material is corrupted. This is an experiment, a game, consciousness and creation. The mind of humanity is at a crossing point to determine its collective choice.

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