04-11A: Return to the Family of Light - Transforming Unconditional Love The Ascending

3 years ago

The Ascending
This shift from the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension is a shock to the masses the Followers. The evolutionary change requires complex trans-dimensional communications between the timeless essence of yourself. Desires to possess objects and gain power over others and hold onto a 3D reality cannot continue as the structure of the universe evolves and changes.

Wayshowers must use streams of thought, emotion, creativity, pure logic and higher languages - symbols to entrain to the 4D realm of magic, dreams, desire and the emotional feeling. It is time to rise above individual fears and experience cosmic unity of the Fifth Dimensional World. Surrender to the calm, peace and the unconditional love of this realm that you know of as heaven.

Merge and become your higher dimensional forms. Transform your awareness by allowing this energy to integrate into every cell of your being. Awake from the dream of material existence as you do from sleep. Allow the illusions of separation and limitation to fall away from your experience. Play a new game of peace, love, happiness and fulfillment. Let the old Game of competition, conflict, war and fear go away. There is no need for desire, for there is fulfillment as you remember layer by layer your full being. Allow all the fear, tension and personal anxiety to diminish and flow away down the river and allow abundance and freedom to come to you in that same steady flow of the river of Light.

There are no demons to keep you or your family of Light trapped in pain. Accept and rejoice in the beauty of your physical body and see the light shine forth from within it. Physical addictions are caused by judgments and infections of inner revulsion that you may remove at anytime with unconditional love for your body. Wayshowers you are here to return the family of Light to the river of all being and to flow with the streams of the central strand that connects to the Heart of Spirit.

As your world of here and now they experiences pain you are to bring healing, as it has poverty you shall bring it wealth, as it lives in ignorance you shall shine forth truth and as it knows confusion you will point to the way and the purpose of life. The Teachers of Light wish for you to bring matter and spirit together. You are here to balance within the Dimensions connecting and translating the vibrations between the physical and non-physical realms with the power of your conscious awareness. As you are now you have one part of your being connected to the Fifth Dimension and you are grounded in your physical being in the Third Dimension. Your being is aware of the harmonic alignment which is being intoned. Over and under tones are bringing forth a symphonic expansion of creation as you play in the harmonics. Allow the evolution of your fields of experience to attune to the vibrations of this enlightenment. As you attune and vibrate within the harmonic range of the Dimensions there is synchronization. Time, space and creation cease as all movement is connected in stable unity and undifferentiated oneness.

The bliss and perfection of Fifth Dimensional harmonic balance coincides with the divine essence of being. Light, photons, the Central strand of movement which connects the circular spherical strings of existence to the heartbeat of the flow of creation is achieved within the point, the smallest denominator of conscious awareness. As a Wayshower you are a giver of Light and you project this Light, spin this Light, move this Light, shine this Light into the dark, into the past, into the veil and release matter into light and into the bonding force of the universe - Love.

As you walk the path of the Wayshower you find love is the drawing force the calls the light to return to source. It is the attractive essence of matter which calls and whereupon light spins to move and return to source. For Love is the magnetism which brings the electric light to seek balance as it spins in creative effort. Abundance and wealth are consistent with love and knowledge and joy with Light. All dimensions are created from love and light. Love is the photon which acts as a wave and light is the photon which acts as a particle. They move into existence in polarity in the Fourth Dimension and into form in the Third Dimension.

Linear time is created in the physical environment. In the emotional environment time is fluid based upon intensity of feeling. In the Fifth Dimension timelessness occurs as in this field of spirit oneness connects the past and the future into a stream of complete awareness. Wayshowers raise your vibrations to match the energy of love and joy to liberate the Followers. Be willing to let go of all negatives in clear service of the galactic will to bring forth abundance, prosperity, understanding and peace. Help those who are trapped in the lower Dimensions release addictions and desires for possessions and rewards.

As the Black Alliance loses power bring to them the higher energies through the reduction of vibration and slowly provide them with forgiveness, love and understanding so they may release their Third Dimensional addictions. They are souls caught in the illusion of this formerly dominant reality and are looping into stagnation and solidification. They are attempting to save their lives with ignorance and negation yet this situation will end in death and loss of incarnation unless the Dark energy is transmuted. Those of the Black Alliance who cannot transform out of the Fourth dimensional Polarized world of karma will die and find release into oneness through unconscious transmission.

Wayshowers keep your physical vehicles strong and clear and connect with your family of Light to share and build the light of the higher frequencies that are coming through your intuitions and higher feelings. It is important for your physical health to ground this Light. When you download higher frequency energy you will find that your mind, body and emotions change. Peace will come over you and you become immune to the Mind Control systems of the Black Alliance They will continue to use these systems to keep the energy from overwhelming them at this time.

You are now ready to reveal who you are to the world. You are a Wayshower and you have thousands who know your light and are building within your energy field. You are guiding them to the center of the stream that is a river wide enough to carry all to the love and promise of the age of the Golden light of the Fifth Sun. You were brought here to understand and know that you are loved, you are complete, you are finished, you are the past, you are the future, you are everything your soul is, complete in wholeness within you. The Third Dimension is brought forth and brought to awareness, that it is part, it is a finger, a touch, a cell, apiece, something that is only that which holds a momentary glance of who you are in spirit ,a Great and Shining Light, Shine Forth.......

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