The brainwashing continues with propaganda

2 years ago

The brainwashing continues with propaganda of the State Schools. The dominator's control and use power through ritualized activities they join and propagate. Mysterious, superstitious, demonic procedures make these worshippers of power feel superior. They patriotically exalt talents, wealth and influence. All activities are graded, measured and examined to criticize the weak and honor the strong. Rejection of the impure inferior ones and promotion of the stronger compromised sycophantic leaders of the dark world is the method.

Rituals within the Order’s domain continue the pervasive hypnosis. Mythic reality replaces actual history and the hypnotic trance controls the believers. There is no context for truth as the lie is the truth reality is defined by the order. In a hierarchical pyramidal system the Black Alliance creates multitudes of inferiors. The Elite Masters, who are few, control using the underlings struggle with the addictions. The addiction spans throughout the civilization immersed with negative judgments, awful fears, terrible shame and foreboding of oblivion. Both the elite and the inferiors are addicted to the insanity and enact ritualistic murder, suicide, abuse and obscenity, physically, psychically and spiritually and vicariously.

Dominance and Purity are great lies, universal falsehoods to create racial and egotistic judgment. The impure and the weak are not wanted by the elitist Vampires. They hunger for certain flavors of fear, to conquer, steal and feed upon. Their victims are a pool of collective blood, the children of the chosen, the. They hunger not for the weak or sick or genetically intermixed so the Black Alliance deceives the races into conflict and the falseness of the purity of blood to implant the lie of dominance…

Wayshowers understand this game and see this is illusion yet it is this illusion which must be seen and overcome. Wayshowers have been born to the Fifth Dimensional energy and are now multi-dimensional. In your Light-body you are integrating the influx of Light energy into a new body, a Light Body. As a multi-dimensional being you are multi-tasking in both realities. New senses are being brought into your awareness. These are the higher sensory perceptions. You are being born into a new realm, a new language which is spoken in the form of simples which comes through higher dimensions in new sounds and new forms.
The fulfillment of this time is inevitable. Your power is ordained and you are born into this time and brought into this knowledge for the purpose that is now being revealed.

As the Black Alliance has attempted to hold its power during this short time the integration of the Wayshowers has continued. Now the receptacle has been built and the trusted one has come forward. Faith and belief is now certain. The positive world is empowered by universal forces to insure the plan of love and light is destiny. The Golden Age is here. Economic Global Prosperity and happiness has arrived. Open your eyes to see the fullness of this time of free energy, abundance, health, wealth, fortune, joy, love and knowledge of the mysteries of life. Shine forth your light and dispel all darkness, the sickness and that which is dying.

This is the time of the changing Dimensions; a time of Oneness and unity. Together we are the Family of Light and our numbers increase as we find ourselves hidden in the shells of darkness. Shine forth that which you are as you are like the stars in the depth of dark space, photons behind the veil of matter, sparks of inspiration in a sea of hopelessness you are the gift of grace and conscious awareness. Time has ceased to be your obstacle as you are eternal and wise. Space no longer is your boundary as you are universal and free. You are the Enlightened Ones; the Wayshowers to the Fifth Dimension.

Wayshowers remember you purpose and find your kindred spirits. Gather together your family and bring them together. Find your family and then bring to them the Light the Teachers bring. You are the light; the dream, the givers of the wonders of the Golden Age. Knowledge is your power for you know the truth. The river flows always on the Central Strand between the polarities of good and evil and you are the central strand of pure Light in alignment with the flowing essence of Universal Truth. It is this flow that takes you on to the Heart of Soul to the Soul of Spirit to the ineffable love of the Divine.
Give your finest gifts to your Family of Light as you are a Wayshower and speak to them with the kindest compassion of your heart so that they may know they are home. The Human Race is on the verge of an evolutionary awakening. Dreams are imaginations that can become reality and so this is the time to take power and to be Wayshowers of freedom

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