Enigma of the Crystal Skulls - By David H. Childress - Atlantis Rising Research Group

2 years ago

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With the opening of the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, millions have been learning for the first time about one of the most remarkable stories in the annals of archaeology, the mystery of the crystal skulls. The movie may be fiction, but the tale of the crystal skulls is not only filled with plenty of Hollywood-style adventure, a lot of it is true.

One of the most fascinating substances in nature, crystal lends itself uniquely to various adaptations, including in­formation storage. Today crystal technologies are at the cutting edge of advancements in nanotechnology and com­puting. As for the skulls, themselves, does the fact that they are carved from crystal enable them to store information and interact with human thought waves? Strangely, there is evidence to suggest this could be so.

Moreover, the history of Mesoamerica, where the skulls are said to originate, is rich with the mystical, magical sorcery of the Olmecs, Zapotecs, Maya and Aztecs. Indeed, the turbulent times of the Mexican Revolution form the backdrop for much of the most recent part of the tale, including the saga of F. A. Mitchell-Hedges, the notorious ad­venturer who emerged from the jungles, it was said, with the most famous of the crystal skulls—the so-called “Skull of Doom.”

There are genuine enigmas associated with crystal skulls. Some seem outlandish, while others would appear to make sense but aren’t necessarily true either. Studies of crystal skulls run from exacting scientific examinations to bi­zarre psychic readings that could never be proven. Much of the material on crystal skulls may be fabricated or decep­tive, and the age and origins of the objects obscured—but one thing is certain: crystal skulls are real!

The second most abundant mineral on the earth, after feldspar, quartz has even been found in meteors. It is a large component of sand and sandstone, and is part of almost every rock, be it igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary. It is the main mineral in most gemstones.

Quartz is extremely hard rock, with a Mohs scale of 7. Since diamonds are one of the few minerals that exceed quartz in hardness, diamond-tipped tools or dust are thought to have been used to make most crystal skulls.

Quartz has a lattice of “silica tetrahedra” and ideally forms into a six-sided prism terminating with six-sided pyra­mids at each end. Its crystals can grow together and become intertwined and therefore show only part of this shape, looking like a giant crystal mass. But the underlying crystalline structure, one in which internal patterns of mole­cules are regular, repeated and geometrically arranged, gives quartz many of its striking properties, and makes it pos­sible for one to believe that crystal skulls may actually be the depositories of ancient wisdom.

Eric Smalley, in an article about quantum computers in Technology Research News (online at trnmag.com) re­ports that a research team from the U.S. and Korea succeeded in storing a light pulse in a crystal, and then reconsti­tuting it. This was significant because quantum information is notoriously fragile, and the ability to store it in a crys­tal would advance the feasibility of building a quantum computer (which would theoretically work at far faster speeds than are now possible).

Although there is much work to be done to develop a quantum memory chip, experiments with crystal seem promising. More recent research takes the use of crystals in information processing a step further, experimenting with perhaps the ultimate material in information storage, DNA.

According to Science Daily “Crystals promise a new way to process information.” An article in February, 2003 re­ported, “A team led by Richard Kiehi, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Minnesota, has used the selective ‘stickiness’ of DNA to construct a scaffolding for closely spaced nanoparticles that could exchange infor­mation on a scale of only 10 angstroms (an angstrom is one 10-billionth of a meter).”

More incredible research involving DNA and its crystal structure has been carried out in an attempt to solve the mysteries of evolution and the origins of life. In the meantime, IBM, in conjunction with DARPA, the Defense Ad­vanced Projects Research Agency, has been involved in developing holographic data storage systems. Through a pro­cess of shooting laser beams into the crystal, they have successfully stored thousands of holograph images on a single lithium niobate crystal.

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