Vax number crunch reveals safer not to take it

2 years ago

Pharmasudical companies claim 95% efficiency rate for covid vaccine.
This is actually referring to relative risk reduction, rather than absolute risk reduction.
The actual absolute reduction in likelyhood that you contract covid after being vaccinated, is 1.2%
This means that after you receive the vaccine, you are 99% just as likely to get covid as you were prior to vaccination.

With that in mind, here are three questions
1. By getting vaccinated, how ouwld you be helping others?
2. If you have natural immunity (as 50 of the population likely does) why would you still be required get vaccinated?
3. If the vaccine does not stop the spread, why would you need a vaccine passport?

Official numbers - crunching
Pfizer NMV (Number needed to vaccinate) = 117 - This means 117 people need to be vaxxed to prevent one covid case (not death).
Since the survival rate of the virus is 99.86% (999 out of 1000 cases survive)
With that in mind, you need to prevent 1000 cases in order to prevent 1 death.
117x1000 - 117,000 need to be vaxxed in order to prevent 1 death.

By the first half of 2021, about 134,000,000 (134 million) have been vaxxed.
10,355 have died directly after being vaxxed. That's 56 people per day are dying from the vaccine.

134,000,000 Divided by 10,355 = 12,940 - This says that 1 out of every 12,940 that get vaxxed, die from it.
117,000 divided by 12,940 = 9.04
Meaning that if you vax 117,000 people to save 1 life, 9.04 would die from the vaccine itself.
This breaks down to you being 904% more likely to die from the vax, than for it to save your life.

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