Day 7 - Nathaniel Smith - Rosary: Sorrowful Mysteries

3 years ago

Owing to the popularity of the live component of our 2021 Spiritual Rosary Pilgrimage, Parousia has embarked on a live Preparation for Consecration to Jesus Through Joseph to end out the Year of Saint Joseph!

Join us for Prayer, Spiritual Reading, Special Guests, and Fellowship!

Each day your host Matthew-Hermann Tague will interview a special guest and ask how the year of Saint Joseph has impacted them.

Our guest will then lead a Rosary!

This will be followed by our devotional reading of the day from the book "The Glories of Saint Joseph".

The guest will then be asked to lead us in the consecration prayers as set out in the book "Consecration to Saint Joseph" by Fr Donald Calloway!

These recordings were filmed in the "Parousia" group in "Parousia World".

If you would like to be part of the live audience and interact with our guests in the private Q&A that follows, join us in "Parousia World" on Mighty Networks, our online Catholic Community!

Join the Parousia mailing list at

Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here to learn ways that you can contribute.

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