"Face Bloat" Sam Seder vs Alec Baldwin vs Dick Cheney

2 years ago

Anti-gun nutter Alec Baldwin recently had a kerfuffle w/ a firearm. That reminds me of Stan Seder, excuse me I mean Sam Seder having a hearty guffaw when a conservative or Libertarian went through a divorce & ~4 years ago his ex-wife told him, "Stan, you are going to live elsewhere."

If you don't know anything about guns, cannot handle them, do not know basic safety, cannot tell a magazine-clip thingy from a bayonet lug (that's you Stan & you Alec) you probably should remain quiet or karma will come calling.

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=247726050733058&id=100064869933577 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2909861932583537&id=1400591836843895

#facebloat #samseder

Alec Baldwin talking about gun control would be like Sam Seder being in charge of marriage counseling

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