Fairgrounds Vax Clinic Feb 13 2021 Part 1

3 years ago

Notes from live Facebook videos, taken by Shasta County Citizen Journalist

Part 1, 22 minutes:

1:45 contact with Karrie Schuette HHSA employee, says she's in charge today “I guess”. She tried to tell us that the “lease” says the entire property is a “clinic” and is to be treated as such. We explained to her that in an outside environment, an event paid for by taxpayers money on publicly funded property, that there is NO expectation of privacy.

She says that the County Counsel issued her new guidelines as to how to direct the Press when they show up at these Vax clinics. She did not have the document with her. When confronted with the fact that on Jan 31 at the HHSA vax. clinic in City of Shasta Lake, the Record Searchlight reporter, Mike Chapman, preceeded us into the building and he took pictures inside that were published later that day in the RS website. Karrie said their “policy” was adjusted after that incident.

13:20 I explain to her that we will freely roam the area to peaceably collect information for dissemination, and that we will not interfere, interrupt, delay, obstruct, etc, the Vax Clinic operations.

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