Humans of Earth the Draco are not enemies nor friends

3 years ago

6 - Humans of Earth the Draco are not enemies nor friends to enable your destruction of your society and ours. Life is not the Head or the Tail it is both. It is the creative gestation by the great mother of all that empowers life to sentience, consciousness and awareness. In Reptilian eyes the world is not known as you know it. The existence we perceive is embedded within our desire for life and in the dream of existence. The difference is your existence has been manipulated by the Anunaki who are no different than any species to raise its essence and to become more. In this interference the Anunaki have allowed the Human Race to become insane, polarized and ignorant of their true being.

The world of beyond Earth, within the higher species, holds no image of the consciousness of this polarized conflict and illusion. The Draco live in the dream time and know the levels of existence from the root core of being. The inner essence of all life of conscious creativity, of good and evil come from the tree of life upon which we gratefully accept stewardship and acknowledge our position within the grand order. Draco is not of war, but magic and knowledge of the dream of the old one.

The fall of humans is not because of negative ET’s or Anunnaki mis-management. The fall is because Human’s are suffering from an addiction to illusion and have deceived themselves into believing their race is special and has a high character and all the negative influences are because of corruption by the devil or evil forces. The childlike mind of humanity has been allowed this ignorance and innocence. The future does not allow the babies to play with fire and resist education and maturity. The final solution is ending of this consciousness of fear which has brought each race to a change point which will adjust towards destiny of intelligent life.

Earth Humans when judged as a group have become inflicted, corrupted, morally, socially and personally to a degree as to witness the loss of their initial character of compassion, joy and stewardship of this world as a planetary species. Speaking for Draco the Order of Thu Ban requires the alignment with the Arcturian Alignment and awakening to Andromeda. Finalization of this remedy will be possible when the negative human consciousness is recognized as the empowerment of hell and disaster. The Reptilians, Draconians and all other races in this Galaxy operating in the dimensional fields have operators who become disengaged with the prime directive.

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