Pathfinder 3D Printing Honor

3 years ago

Skill Level: 2
Original Honor: 2017
AdventSource Catalog: Patch file (Not available for purchase. See requirement 14)
Originating Institution: North American Division


1. List five ways that 3D printing could be useful in your everyday life.

2. List five safety rules for 3d printing.

3. Name three types of 3D Printers and what they may be best suited for.

4. On a typical extruder type 3D Printer, find and explain what function each of the following parts has: Filament, Filament guide, Filament stand, Extruder “hot end”, Base plate “print bed”, Step motors, Frame, Control module, Idler gear, Hobbes gear, Heat sinks, Cooling fans, Threaded rod “lead screws”, Power supply.

5. Name ten types of filaments or infused filaments on the market today and what they might best be used for.

6. Name and try out 3 or more free 3D design programs and list your pros and cons for each.

7. Use a slicer program such as “Cura” to convert a design into layers for printing.
a. Note the print time, before and after, as you adjust the following parameters. What effect does it have?
Model size, Layer thickness “quality”, Infill density, Wall thickness.
b. Explore other variables and settings

8. What happens if you overheat your filaments while printing?

9. What happens if you under heat your filaments while printing?

10. Why would you or would you not want to use a heated bed when printing?

11. List five reasons you may not want to use a 3D printer to create items.

12. Read Genesis 1 and 2. In a group, discuss some of the issues God may have considered while planning and creating our earth. Think about the incredible amount of planning it takes for us to print plastic parts and how much more effort our loving Father must have put into designing us.

13. Print the following two projects using a 3D printer, one of which must be of your own design:
a. Any design of your choice
b. Any item or set of items from the Bible that has a special connection to you.

14. Print, don’t buy, the 3D Printing Honor from the approved STL file, downloadable at:

Use both red filament for the backing and white (glow in the dark white if you can get it) for the foreground. Note: A single extruder printer can be set to pause at any level to allow a filament swap. See Example at:

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