World Economic Forum: "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy" (Oligarchs will STEAL your stuff)

3 years ago

But make no mistake: the Klaus Schwabs, Rockefellers, Rothschilds will own stuff still. They'll own even more when you own nothing.

They'll be even happier than we will, trust me. They don't even hide the agenda, and leftists lap it up like the ***guzzling losers they are.

The insanity of The World Economic Forum and it's member corporations. These people are trying to force this "Great Reset" where they plan to STEAL all private property, and usher in a "New World Order" where humans will be merged with machines to create a Satanic Race, and everyone will be a slave (Except the Oligarchs) living under a Totalitarian and Authoritarian Communist "One World Government"

These people are planning to force you off your land, steal all of your possessions, merge you with machines, and either KILL YOU or make you a slave to serve them in their Dystopian NWO!

I've been trying to tell people that in comparison to these people, Adolph Hitler was a choir boy with GOOD INTENTIONS!

The World Economic Forum and it's member are all controlled by Satan and doing his bidding! They WANT mass deaths and WAR!

These people want to wipe 7.5 Billion people off the map and steal their property! The remaining humans will be their slaves (If they succeed)
Which they WON'T!

But you had better start taking them deadly serious!
The entire Coronavirus scam was their doing, it was part of their plan of world domination!

"Covid19" is to be the catalyst which transforms the world into a giant slave plantation with a Totalitarian Communist nightmare for a government!


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