Hooked on Phonics

3 years ago

My daughter is 6 and is working on first grade level 1 in Hooked on Phonics (HoP). These words she is reading are from the first 3 lessons. She struggles with remembering TH has two sounds. I drew a picture of a hand with an arrow pointing at the thumb to remind her of that TH sound. I made sure to draw the hand the same color as the TH in the words with that TH sound. The other TH sound is in another color. That way she can see the difference. We are enjoying HoP. It's easy to use and it's taught my daughter to read way more than I expected in a short amount of time. We bought this program about 5-6 weeks ago. We took two weeks off from it because everyone in my house was sick. So we've only been using it 3-4 weeks. We've been doing it twice a week. You can use this program more or less often. It's important to find what works for you and your family. Don't force them to do it daily if it isn't fun to them. Let them go at their own pace.

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