How An Epilepsy Patient's Devastating Experimental Neurosurgery Taught the World About Memory Ep 23

3 years ago

In this episode, I will introduce you to Patient H.M.—as he was known for 50 years. His real name is Henry Molaison, which was revealed after his death in 2008. In 1953, Henry underwent experimental surgery to correct his epilepsy—which was cured—but with devastating consequences.

*Podcast correction, the lesion in the frontal lobe was discovered after his death from reviewing the tissue sections, not from the MRI. It was caused by the original surgery.

If you would like to read more about Patient H.M. and what was learned by studying his brain, check out the article in Nature Communications, 2014.

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About Jennifer
I am a successful medical writer having worked in the field of molecular biology, immunology research, and pharmaceutical sales training, bringing my knowledge of these topics to you so you can learn how to become an expert on your own biology. I take fun topics and personal stories and weave them together to bring you a sometimes funny—but always entertaining show.

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