BC Nurse Notifies Manager Of Personal Liability

3 years ago

A BC nurse was well prepared to address the government mandate to get jabbed or lose her job. Using Action4Canada's resources and strategy the nurse successfully warned her manager that she would hold her personally liable for any loss of income she suffered as a result of her actions in support of the government's unlawful measures.

The manager not only ended the meeting but cancelled any further meetings with Nurse X's Colleagues.

If you are being threatened by your employer join Action4Canada today and find the resources needed to protect yourself and your job.

Unionized Workers Unite

Union Notice of Liability

Employer Notice of Liability

Notice of Liability Against Forced Covid Testing

Right to REFUSE COVID Testing.

Additional comment to make to employer or anyone interfering with your employment.

"Extortion, committing tort, privacy violations and willful misconduct are against the law. Interfering with someone's right to gainful employment is a violation of the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I further advise you that if you persist in hindering my employment I will hold you personally liable for any loss of income I suffer due to your unlawful actions against me by interfering with my right to gainful employment. You are personally not protected under any Act or Statute that is in violation of the Canadian Rule of Law, Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You have been duly warned."

Advance Medical Directive


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