10-26-21 Dem's raising Taxes On Poor Proof: Russia Close To Using Natural Gas As Weapon, and More

3 years ago

Russia Close To Using Natural Gas As Weapon, White House Says After Handing Putin Critical Pipeline
A top White House official said Monday that Russia may use its vast natural gas exports as a weapon against energy-starved nations.
“I think we are getting close to that line if Russia indeed has the gas to supply and it chooses not to, and it will only do so if Europe accedes to other demands that are completely unrelated,” White House energy adviser Amos Hochstein told reporters on Monday, according to Reuters.

It May Shock You to Know the Democrats Lied When They Promised Not Raise Taxes on the Poor
Despite all the promises (and dresses!) about taxing the rich and the vows that the poor will not see a penny of tax increases, the Democrats are going full steam ahead with rolling out a pretty significant tax increase on the poorest 20 percent of Americans.

China Tells Evergrande Billionaire to Pay off His Insolvent Company’s $300 Billion in Debt with His $8 Billion in Worth
China tells Evergrande billionaire to pay off his company’s debt with his own money. However, it’ll be difficult to pay off $300 billion in debt with $7.8 billion in worth.
Chinese authorities reportedly told the billionaire behind insolvent China corporation, Evergrande, to pay off his company’s debt with his own money.

Woman Who Was in Charge of Alec Baldwin’s Gun Displays Occult Images in Tiktok
The amateur set worker who loaded Alex Baldwin’s gun posted disturbing videos of herself on Tiktok, displaying occult images, perverted sexual fantasies, and general degeneracy.
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