Billie Beene E253 102221 La Palma Bible Code/-ET Agenda/Nov Inaug!

3 years ago

Billie is reporting on the following:

1. CERN in New York has been turned on and it is acting on La Palma.
2. It is being reported that there are 135 different species on the earth by different sources. Some live on the surface of the earth. Some under the ground and others deep inside the earth.
3. Some of these species have the ability to extract the human soul. They use different methods to accomplish this.
4. Billie talks about the extraction of the body of Nimrod.
5. Billie brings new info on pharma for the arm and what is in it and the design of how it works.
6. It is being reported that the inauguration of President Trump and VP JFK, Jr. will take place on November 3/4 or as late as November 11th. We shall see.
7. The banks are fully funded for NESARA and martial law is coming. Plus, the EBS is coming.
8. There are 7 billion new cellphones that will tie into the new Starlink satellite system.
9. In 5 years, we will have flying cars like the cartoon show The Jetsons.

Billie is reporting on much more and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

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Contact and Support:
Billie Beene
POB 476
Sweeny, TX 77480


My channels are dedicated to providing truth in news and Bible teaching and innovative writing. Thank you for your support and encouragement! May God bless you and yours!

MY NOTE: If you have any comments you want to make on any of Billie Beene's reports, please click on the video title and it will take you to the source video and you will be able to give her your feedback or, you can email Billie. Here email address is noted above or you can mail her your comments. Again, her mailing address is provided above.


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