Dating Fossils and Rocks

3 years ago

The topic for this lecture is “Dating Fossils and Rocks”. Girls, this is not what your father would approve of. But even though we are all made up of carbon, we are not talking about this kind of carbon dating.

Radiometric dating - Does it prove the earth is billions of years old? Many Christians don’t know how to respond to this question. As a result, many have been led to believe that radiometric dating is the silver bullet of evolution...After all, how can science be wrong?

As a result they have re-evaluated what the Bible says about the creation account and have decided they have to reinterpret the word for “day” as meaning millions and billions of years. This means that the word’s of fallible man is more accurate than the words of an infallible God.

Let's see what the science really says and unveil some of the hidden secrets of the scientific community.

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