Hypersonic Propaganda

3 years ago

Why is the People's Republic Of China supported by the extension of its Communist propaganda in the treasonous American left wing media bragging about missile technology that the United States engineered 50 years ago?

As usual, the real story damages their narrative.

As a part of its conventional prompt global strike program, the United States has actively pursued the development of hyper sonic weapons since the early 2000s. Maneuverable weapons that fly at speeds of at least Mach 5.

We can all thank the Bill Clinton Administration for transferring our missile secrets to the Chinese. Clinton Administration's policies on satellite exports facilitated legal or illegal transfers of military-related technology to China.

In 1998 the Justice Department began a criminal investigation into Loral Space and Communications and Hughes Electronic Corporation for the violation of export control laws. The firms had shared their findings of a PRC Rocket explosion with the Chinese, circumventing the U.S. Military. China used this knowledge to improve their ballistic missile and guidance systems. The chairman of Loral was the largest individual donor to the Democratic Party.

Despite "strong opposition" from the Justice Department. In 1998, Bill Clinton issued a waiver of sanctions that undermined the investigation by allowing the issuance of licenses for the export of technology or expertise similar to that in question.

The Hyper sonic Arms race is a goldmine for the Defense Industry and it is the future of warfare. Congress should immediately begin investigating the Communist sympathizers inhabiting the Pentagon.

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