Arizona Audit Hijacked! Stew Peters Refuses to Show America Karen Fann's Back Door Deal!

3 years ago

Read the Deal! Download Link Here

In an even stranger interview than OAN News Softball Interview with Karen Fann, Super Patriot Stew Peters porously conceals the criminal and totally unconstitutional details of Karen Fann's Back Door Deal.

Stew Peters conceals the most critical elements of the Back Door Deal from the from the American People.

1. Special Master John Shadegg is a former lobbyist for Hickman Eggs owned by Maricopa County Board of Supervisors member Clint Hickman.

2. No Connectivity of Election Equipment to the Internet will take place during inspection of routers.

3. Attorney General Mark Brnovich has been informed in the fine print of the deal that Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is in "Full Compliance" of outstanding Subpoenas and further action on his part is no longer required, rendering his involvement in recovering the routers and Splunk logs a total fake sideshow meant to deceive the American People.

These are just some of the egregious details that Stew Peters deliberately hides form his audience and provides cover for McCain Gang ring leader Karen Fann to draw out the Decertification of the 2020 election well into 2020!

Go to to learn everything!

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