I ain't buying it #noquarter #justiceforashlii

3 years ago

There's so much going on , so many things the American Nazis are trying to sell us . I ain't buying any of it and neither should you . I start out tonight with some free flo thought about past conversations I've had and things the media aren't talking about anymore . The Alec Baldwin situation is more than highly suspicious to say the least . Now we know there are at least 500 Americans stranded in Afghanistan literally begging for help . A protester that was not even at the Capitol was sentenced to 14 months . Where is BLM on this one ? Janet Yellen speaks in sentence fragments and it seems to be contagious . A repeat child sex offender commits more heinous crimes after being cleared from the offenders list . " Walls don't work " but we just paid to have one built around Trader Joe's beach house . The ground continues to swell all around the World !

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