Anime HORROR Adaptation! Insomnianna! [Prologue] (Correct Thumbnail)

3 years ago

My last video, for some reason, did not have the thumbnail I wanted. So here is literally the exact same video, except with the intended thumbnail.

I rushed this second half of production in attempt to upload this weak, I am sorry for the several issues that occur because of it. This is an adaptation of the prologue of a story called Insomnianna. I had permission from the author.

Locals (Ad-free, paid subscription):

Odysee (Ad-free ONLY with account, purchase each video):


Charlie (Custom Model) Made With:
Vroid Studio

Unity Assets Used:
Tyrant Zombie Revised -- M.eye
Yughues Free Rocks -- Nobiax / Yughues
Hospital Horror Pack -- FoeJofMay
Simple Water Shader URP -- IgniteCoders

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