從巴黎到洛杉磯——一個法國廚師的人生之旅 From Paris to Torrance, a French chef's journey in a pandemic world|新聞掘金360

2 years ago


新冠疫情限製了所有人的旅行,喜歡美食的洛杉磯人,如何享受地道的法國早餐?不用走遠,在緊靠太平洋的Torrance,有這樣一家法國咖啡廳,Eclair and Cafe,店主是一位不會英語但很會烹飪的地道法國糕點師。

現年48歲的Akim Boughazi在法國新庭市長大,有12個兄弟子妹,從 16 歲就開始打工,做過搬運工、保安、文員和木匠……但在25歲那年,習慣於忙忙碌碌的Akim遭解雇失業了。這傷害了他的自尊,令他感到恥辱。



在新館疫情席卷全球之前,Akim在法國開有一家面包房和一個餐館。疫情發生後他不得不關掉餐館,並來到美國創業,於2020年11月在洛杉磯的Torrance落戶,開設了Eclair and Cafe。



#洛杉磯美食 #法國糕點師 #法國廚師 #洛杉磯法國餐廳 #法式高點 #托倫斯

Macarons, flan, croissants ...... with a strong latte, what a tempting breakfast it would be.

With the epidemic limiting travel for all, how can food-loving Los Angelenos enjoy an authentic French breakfast? Without going far, there is this French cafe, Eclair and Cafe, in Torrance, a beach city facing the Pacific Ocean, owned by an authentic French pastry chef who doesn't speak English but knows how to cook.

Akim Boughazi, 48, grew up in La Courneuve, France, with 12 siblings, and has been working since he was 16, as a porter, security guard, clerk and carpenter. ...... But at the age of 25, Akim, who was used to working hard, was fired from his job. This hurt his self-esteem and made him feel ashamed.

It is often said that when God closes a door, he opens a window. While Akim was looking for a job, he saw an advertisement for a pastry training program that opened his eyes: he had finally found his way, a real career of choice.

After studying hard and starting his own business, Akim became an award-winning pastry chef.

Akim owned a bakery and a restaurant in France before the epidemic swept the world. He had to close the restaurant after the outbreak and moved to the U.S. to start his own business, landing in Torrance, LA, to open Eclair and Cafe in November 2020.

“Making the best wherever I went," is Akim's motto. Akim's specialty is French baguettes, for which he has won awards in France. His other specialty is the mille-feuille, commonly known as Napoleon, which is made with exquisite ingredients and no expense spared. The result is a mouth-watering product.

In the summer of 2021, as the COVID restrictions in California was being lifted, our News Nuggets 360 team had the opportunity to visit Akim's cafe and taste his specialty: caramel mille-feuille.

Eclair and Cafe: 25345 Crenshaw Blvd. Ste B Torrance, CA 90505. Tel: (424) 305-4059.

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