Dancing ferret animation //meme// thank you 70k+

3 years ago

song : Jack Stauber - Buttercup (Earthbound/Chiptune Cover)
original video : @friendlyquest on tik tok
I love that ferret dancing video~! and I love you too ^w^**

안녕하세요! 세상에! 7만명이 넘었네요..!! ㅠㅜㅠㅜ
구독자 여러분들 정말 사랑하고 감사합니다~!
앞으로도 재미있고 발전된 애니메이션을 보여드리고 싶어요~!
Hello! Oh, my God! There are more than 70,000 people. ᅲᅮᅲᅮ
I love you and thank you so much!
I'd like to continue to show you fun and improved animations!

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