How They Took Over The World- Psychological Operation Shadowgate

3 years ago

How the enemy took over the world using psychological operations through contractors. Shadowgate is one story that dives you into the world of psychological warfare to blackmail, coerce and control governments, groups, terrorists, anyone they want.

This is how Democraps were indoctrinated and brainwashed. Those of you searching for answers that know something big is happening, you are the few who's minds can not be manipulated so easily. You can hold onto your sanity and thought process no matter what they barrage you with. And trust me, they are barraging you 24/7!

Congratulations, you are a genius.

You can see the original here:

I posted it here so more people will see it and because it is paramount anyone trying to figure out how this all happened, how they took over the world and so many people's minds.

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