THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (50pts) ~ Pt. 26: The Sacrament of Matrimony

3 years ago

"The Nuptial Covenant that we find in the Old Testament prepared the way for the New Covenant between the Son of God and His Church. I the One Only Divine Person of Jesus Christ, we have Humanity and Divinity come together as we say, Hypostatically, subsisting in the Divine Person of the Eternal Word Jesus Christ. A human nature and a divine nature come together, unconfused, unmixed.. but joined in an intimacy that is amazing. From that moment on Humanity never had to be sad again, for God became one with Humanity. In His preaching Jesus taught the Oneness of Marriage, and this 'oneness' comes about through the Sacrament of Matrimony when a husband and wife come together, that's an intimacy that Man cannot frivolously toss aside.. it's indissoluble. Once a valid Marriage takes place you can't divide it.. 'what God has joined together, let no man put asunder'.. why? It's written right into the Natural Law, which is a manifestation or reflection of the Divine Law.. it's woven into the fabric of being.. husband and wife have an exclusive right to each other.. the husband gives himself TOTALLY to the wife, and the wife gives herself TOTALLY to her husband, and out of that Oneness of Love comes the fruitfulness of new life.. children."

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