Mama Cat Takes Back Crying Kitten From Toddler

3 years ago

Kittens are cute, fluffy balls of fur. It is difficult to not touch, pet and tickle them. In a busy household, it is inevitable that kittens will be picked up and handled by all of the people

Babies and toddlers also like cats and kittens. The size of a kitten is just right for a toddler to hold. They look like a stuffed animal, so babies and toddlers might think that they are toys.
One day, a cute little girl picked up one of the kittens of a litter in her home. The kittens were old enough to be handled. The kitten started to cry because the toddler was squeezing it too much. The mama cat hears these cries and came out to see what the fuss was all about.

The toddler's father was observing, and the toddlers mother was recording.

The mama cat walked up to the toddler and put her front paw on the toddler's leg, then on the toddler's tummy. The toddler would not let go of the kitten. The toddler seemed scared of the mama cat. With some persistence, the mama cat kept approaching the little girl.

Finally, the mama cat opened up her mouth, grabbed the kitten by the scruff of the neck and high-tailed it to the box where she nests with her babies.

The toddler's parents thought this was funny. Anyone with a toddler knows that they do not always listen well. Toddlers can also be rough. Mama cats can be fierce, especially when it comes to protecting their babies.

This mama cat did not hurt the little girl, but she did protect her kitten. Mama cats like to have a hiding spot for their litters, and they will move their litter to a new spot if you bother them.

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