22 - The Unpardonable Sin

3 years ago

As we get closer the Jesus' second coming, sometimes the things of this world, and sometimes friends and family and other things seem to hold us back from total commitment to Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit that can do the work that man is not able to do and that is to bring conviction to the soul.
This presentation is a strong message, and it's my prayer, the decision will be made by every heart, "I'm going to go all the way with Jesus Christ."
There are many Christians that have committed a certain sin and with the guilt they have in their conscience they feel certain they've committed the unpardonable sin. What sin is there that the blood of Jesus cannot forgive?
Is it murder? Both Moses and David committed these. Hebrews chapter 11 states that David will be in the kingdom, and Moses is there now! God forgave them and cleansed them.
Is it denying Christ? Peter denied Jesus, cursing with great oaths, and Jesus looked at him with love and compassion and forgave him, and Peter was converted.
What about committing suicide? Samson committed adultery, and not only that, he took his own life by his own hands and in killing himself he brought the temple of Dagon down. Hebrews chapter 11 also states that Samson will be saved.
God looks at the mental condition of those that take their own life, and judges according to what is right.
What is the unpardonable sin? ;In this presentation we will see with much clarity the biblical answer to this most important question.

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