Blame Caesar

3 years ago

Marcus Cicero said “Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions.

Last Call Radio live Saturday mornings for all Patriots starting at 10:00 am EST 10.23.2021

Today on Last call BJ Edwards and Mr. Anderson will be consorting with some new members of the right wing nut house. We’ve found a trio of good citizens who are looking for a chance to make a difference in today’s crazy, upside-down political habitat

We want to encourage them because not only have they chosen to engage the culture but they are doing it at the grassroots level where they can actually make a difference. Christian talk radio with a sting every Saturday morning and Do Radio at its finest . . . with our hosts (and today’s guests) leading the way.

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