18 - Armageddon and the Seven Last Plagues

2 years ago

The seven last plagues are the most terrible manifestations of God's wrath and some may even wonder if this outpouring of punishment is contrary to the nature of a God of love.
But God has intended for these things to be soberly considered and He's devoted a whole chapter in the book of Revelation for this very purpose.
God does indeed draw lines when it comes to wickedness and that near the end of time the Bible tells us that once more the world is to witness the wrath of God.
Armageddon is an event which occurs during the sixth plague in the series of the seven last plagues. People today speculate a lot about Armageddon. We're not hearing much if anything about all of the other six plagues.
Why is this?
The devil knows that if he can get the world sidetracked on a certain issue, we're going to miss the impact of the message that God is trying to get through to us in this subject.
In this presentation we will review the biblical answers to these good, important questions:
- What is Armageddon?
- Where will Armageddon be fought?
- When will Armageddon be fought?
- Will you and I be alive on earth when Armageddon is fought?
- Is Armageddon a battle between the East and the West?
- Is it a battle between Russia and the United States?

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