17 - The United States in Bible Prophecy

3 years ago

The Bible brings to view nations that have a direct impact upon God's people. It brings to view nations that have a direct relationship to the plan of salvation.
The Bible first shows us the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve.
After the Flood we're taken to Babylon (Ur of Chaldees), with Abraham, Egypt, Palestine, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Europe (after Pentecost), and the two horned beast or kingdom.
Does it describe the rise of America?
It would be surprising if the United States was not mentioned in prophecy, simply because for one of the first times in the history of the human race, a nation was founded on the principles of a republic and religious freedom. We would expect the Bible to describe something about this land we love called America and deep within our hearts we sense that it's a special country.
For all the problems that America has, for all the difficulties it has, still it's a place where we can worship God in harmony with the dictates of our conscience, or not worship at all. It's a country that has been providentially and miraculously raised up by God.
What does the Bible say about America and its the future?
Will this religious liberty that America has championed through the years, continue?
This presentation is a study of the biblical prophecy that expounds on the answer to these questions.

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