2021 10 24 John Haller's Prophecy Update "Disruption Upon Disruption"

3 years ago

Nothing is as it was, nor will it be, until the Lord's return. The author of chaos, knowing his time is short, is unleashing a barrage of evil upon every institution established by God, in order to disrupt the natural order of things.

And now, our children are under assault, with schools and society obscuring the truth of God by subjecting and conditioning them to accept perversion as the new normal, while using every tool at their disposal to warp and distort the absolute truths established by God.

There is a day of reckoning coming and maybe more quickly than anticipated. Strap in and hold on. If you think it's bad now, wait until the Holy Spirit removes His hand of restraint and men devolve into their fully sinful natures. It's gonna get ugly...question is, how bad will it get before the Lord returns for His bride?

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