3 Ingredient Depression Era Biscuits

3 years ago

This will be a series of videos I will post- Great Depression recipes. Better pay attention, probly gonna need these!

Please excuse the boxes stacked up! We’re in the middle of moving.

The recipe for these DELICIOUS biscuits is-
2 C self-rising flour **recipe to make your own below if you don’t keep any, which I dont**
6 Tbsp mayonnaise **REAL MAYO**
1 C water

That’s it! Mix it up, plop in mounded spoonfuls on a cookie sheet. Bake at 400 for 12 minutes

*Self-Rising Flour Recipe*
2 C flour -4 tsp (just take out 4 tsp)
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt

Of course you’ll notice in the video I really don’t measure anything exact. Seriously- it’s cooking. Chill out and have fun! It’s not rocket science.

Follow me at my website www.commonsensecowgirl.com

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