3 years ago

Ronald Bernard, reached the highest levels as an Illuminati financial straw man. He is one of the few whistle-blowers from this world who has dared to tell his story in front of (DVM-TV), De Vrije Media’s camera. He unfolds a life story in which he got progressively deeper into the world of the big money, in which he – as he stated himself – had been warned up front that he had to be able to put his conscience in the proverbial freezer, and keep it there at all times.

Eventually this ended in his personal complete breakdown. Ronald does his story candidly and is forthright with his emotions to explain all that had preceded this breaking point. He clarifies the distorted way the world works, in which a small group of elites, numbering between 8000 to 8500 people, who rule the entire world and discloses their ‘religious incentives’ for doing so. “If only people really knew the ins and outs of the matter and realized what is really going on”. When you have seen this interview, you will know. Then automatically the question arises: ‘how are we going to fix this, when we no longer look away, but bundle our powers?’

Irma Schiffers,
co-founder De Vrije Media. DVM-TV

This one is doing the rounds so I wanted to be sure to get a high quality copy on YouTube before any takedowns start. As far as I can tell this interview was filmed in early 2017. Ronald Bernard has formed a new company called 'B of Joy': https://bofjoy.net - if anyone can authenticate his claims please comment.

DVM TV: http://cooperatiedevrijemedia.nl/real...
Original Upload: https://vimeo.com/212237317

PART #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpDGx...

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