Forced Vaccines are Battery & Assault. Governments are not permitted to mandate any experimental participation.

3 years ago

Vaccine is an assault. Constitutes an assault or a battery or a wounding

If a death occurs, it’s a homicide.

Valid consent to participate in an experiment must have been given or it does not count.

Vaccination against your will, or by dues of coercion falls under Criminal Law.

The Pre-voluntary agreement must not be defective in any way, and can be deemed to be defective if the parties drawing up the agreement are either illegally constituted, insolvent, or governed by unlawful precepts, in defiance of human rights laws and or natural laws.

Implied stress disqualifies valid consent principles, rendering them Null and Void.

Mandatory versus Voluntary.
Implies that “Voluntary” is absent from the equation

the Vaccine Program is being rolled out under an Experimental provisional trial

Under an experiment, you can't be mandated (forced) to participate.

IMPORTANT: Never say that you have had it as it may imply consent.

Leviticus, Joel, Exodus, Judges, Kings, Deuteronomy, Numbers all state that things TAKEN illegally must be returned 7 x 7 by those who take it, thieves, resulting in an estoppel, requiring that the defendant return all stolen property.

Unjust enrichment underlies every aspect of this illegal and forced vaccine rollout.

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