Iraq National Anthem (Vocal short) Mawtini

3 years ago

"Mawṭinī" (Arabic: موطني‎, lit. 'My Homeland') is the national anthem of Iraq, being adopted as such in 2004. After Iraq's Ba'athist regime was deposed in 2003, the old "Mawṭinī" formerly used as the Iraqi national anthem during the late 1950s and early 1960s was brought back and used temporarily as an interim national anthem until it was replaced by the current "Mawṭinī" in 2004.

(Arab Lyrics / كلمات)
مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي
الجلالُ والجمالُ والسَّنَاءُ والبَهَاءُ
في رُبَاكْ في رُبَاكْ
والحياةُ والنجاةُ والهناءُ والرجاءُ
في هواكْ في هواكْ
هلْ أراكْ هلْ أراكْ
سالِماً مُنَعَّماً و غانما مكرما
سالما منعما و غانما مكرما
هلْ أراكْ في عُلاكْ
تبلُغُ السِّمَاكْ تبلغُ السِّمَاكْ


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