Interesting Reading

3 years ago

As the saying goes, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

However, many people have accounted that most great nations are gradually meeting the fall. Studies have been made and it revealed that there are underlying factors that causes many great nations to fall. Great nations fall because it is contains within the country’s history. At one point or another, failure among many countries has been met by the leaders and authorities, who once ruled the nation. It is not something new therefore, that great nations eventually fall, as evidenced in history. Another reason why great nations fall is because of the fall of the inner core. As the basic unit of the society, families dictate the degree of unity that is contained in every country. Once poor family ties dominate, great nations eventually meet its fall. In addition to that, another potent but less perceptible force is the power of ideas, which was found to create a significant impact to the fall of any great nations. The decline of values of the people consisting one nation is an important signal that such nation is falling. The values contained in one nation are an indicator of how people live and how the nation is being ruled. With its decline, it only indicates that the nation is not one.

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