Indiana Jones’ Illustrator & Storyboard Artist

3 years ago

‘Indiana Jones’ Illustrator & Storyboard Artist Was‘Indiana Jones’ Illustrator & Storyboard Artist Was 85.
David J.
Negron Sr., a conceptual painter, illustrator and storyboard artist with credits including Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters and Jurassic Park, died peacefully in his sleep on October 12, his family tells Talesbuzz.
He was 85.
“He was an inspiration to the Motion Picture community and the fine arts world,” the Negron family said in a statement.
“We have lost a loving father, grandfather and a beautiful soul.”
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Negron embarked on his career as a conceptual painter in the mid-1960s, going on to collaborate with Steven Spielberg on Indiana Jones and the Raiders of The Lost Ark and Jurassic Park, visualizing iconic scenes including the Giant Boulder chase for the former, along with various dinosaur environments for the latter.
He also painted iconic images for Ridley Scott’s dystopian sci-fi classic, Blade Runner, based on Philip K. 85.
David J.
Negron Sr., a conceptual painter, illustrator and storyboard artist with credits including Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters and Jurassic Park, died peacefully in his sleep on October 12, his family tells Talesbuzz.
He was 85.
“He was an inspiration to the Motion Picture community and the fine arts world,” the Negron family said in a statement.
“We have lost a loving father, grandfather and a beautiful soul.”
To stay up to date with latest top stories, make sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel by clicking the button above this video!
Negron embarked on his career as a conceptual painter in the mid-1960s, going on to collaborate with Steven Spielberg on Indiana Jones and the Raiders of The Lost Ark and Jurassic Park, visualizing iconic scenes including the Giant Boulder chase for the former, along with various dinosaur environments for the latter.
He also painted iconic images for Ridley Scott’s dystopian sci-fi classic, Blade Runner, based on Philip K.

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