Episode 63: To Catch a Pennsylvania Predator Hunter

3 years ago

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Special shoutout to the decoys that make the exposures possible. It takes a certain strength of character and a strong constitution to be as decoy.

Mike from Pennsylvania Predator Hunters joins me on this episode. I ask him how he got into exposing sexual predators of children and the procedure his team does before an exposure is considered. A great conversation, and I know there's a lot of exposure pages out there but Mike & his team at Pennsylvania Predator Hunters is a good team and they do it right.

Pennsylvania Predator Hunters:

Marcus Frederiksen:
Channel: https://www.reverbnation.com/marcusfrederiksen

Opening Song: One of Two

Closing Song: I.C.U

The Boiling Point Podcast:
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Instagram: JDEposterDESIGNz

Pastor Gavin:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mooresmountain.church
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXI0MxHtTHNmmg-aGxZWO3A

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