Mystery Deaths Increase Worldwide, 3715

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

It sounds like an episode from the Twilight Zone from 60 years ago – yes, it has been that long.

Years from now, when – or if - medicine does return to being governed by the search for truth – medical researchers will look back on this period in astonishment that humanity allowed itself to be so blinded by this worldwide attack on freedoml.

But from our current perspective, we face an enemy never before seen, and rarely imagined, and that’s why it is so difficult to get your arms around the scale of this latest attempt at world domination – CCP style.

Communist China has not hidden the fact that they believe they can dominate the world in a few years. Their plan is very far advanced because they have been going about it quietly for two or three decades now.

Look how effectively they have been able to hide the truth about COVID – it’s origins and its treatments. There is so much conflicting information, even long-time reporters have trouble sorting facts from disinformation.

Under this cloud of propaganda, what if COVID was only the initial cover for a much more advanced bio-weapons gambit delivered in upgraded new salvos every few months?

Alex Berenson was a former reporter for the New York Times. He has followed the COVID plandemic as closely as anyone and written a series of 4 books along the way called “Unreported Truths About COVID-19, parts 1-4. He has now put out a summary version which he claims takes only 20 minutes to read.

He appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show last night.


Could this be the result of COVID, or could it even be the result of ongoing bio-warfare hiding beneath the dense cloud of COVID disinformation. We are nowhere close to knowing.

But remember, Trump is coming, his supporters – worldwide - will be legion.

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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