Origins of NESARA; Patent for Jab; What Really Happened to Colin Powell | Shofar Blast 10/21/2021

3 years ago


From SpecialQForces Cartoon = Digital soldiers vs DS

Nesara – from Danielle Stotijn

Santa Surfing - The Origins of NESARA - National Economic Security and Recovery Act.
Gold is solid and stable. In the 1930's FDR took our Gold! Demanded it or people would get arrested, fined and even sentenced! We were at the mercy of the Federal Reserve that was controlled by the cabal. They managed to manipulate the currency while they enriched themselves. Talk about insider trading at a macro level! They bet against the dollar and they can control the value of the dollar...they make money, the non-elites suffer. Then this USD value has a domino effect with markets around the world.

Fast forward to June 4, 1963, President Kennedy signed an Executive Order. In short, it was an order for the Treasury to issue certificates backed by silver bullion, as well to mint silver dollars that would be considered money. Unfortunately, this EO didn't and couldn't get enforced sparking that the Federal Reserve (possibly) was part of the plan to assassinate Kennedy on November 1963. In the 1970's the Farmers had their land illegally taken from them! They found an attorney(s) that found a legal loophole in the 14th Amendment Section 4:In the late 1990's, the Farmers won and they were supposed to get compensation for their land that they lost. In the millions.

Fast forward to October 10, 2000, Bill Clinton refused to sign NESARA into law. The military special operations intervened and it was signed into law. Yet there was a caveat, (caw vee aht) dirty Bill required the Farmers were to pay $300 to apply for their compensation and many Farmers could not afford to pay that application fee. Fast Forward to September 11, 2001, Bush Jr. was set to announce NESARA as law at 10 am. However, Papa Bush moved into the White House two days before this date and prevented Bush Jr. to enact it. Instead, the dreadful day of September 11, 2001 happened instead. With the use of holograms or drone devices appearing to look like planes hit Twin Towers, Building 7, Pentagon crashes occurred due to airplanes, many of us know that is not the case.

President Trump has the courage and power towards many elements in we are witnessing the current events now. The evil cabal is making so many efforts to create false flags, and attempts to take down President Trump and have failed miserably!
Now we are witnessing every single day...Our Country will be one Nation Under God! Fairness, Constitutional, Unity, Freedom of Speech, Power to the People!

UPDATED October 11, 2021: We learned the USA Inc. is now a defunct corporation. NESARA was signed under the USA Inc.
However, President Trump is taking action to make NESARA his own by standing up for the Constitution.

President Trump's speech at the rally was all about Farmers, Constitutional everything and even mentioning "appointing over 300 judges...". 300 is more than any President has ever appointed in 1 or 2 terms! All these judges are constitutionalists.

Nesara Bullet Points

What Happens Hitting Contrast on Dollar Bill (photo)

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So while China is sending warning missile’s flexing their nuclear muscles, look at what the Faux Joe administration considers important and “woke” this from Gateway Pundit

Look at what Romania did: The people Shut Down Government Vaccines. This is absolutely EPIC.. Romanian government has closed all vaccine centers because 70% of the citizens won’t get the jab. Coercion did not work.

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Storm Rider – Patent for Covid jab

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