Testimony Tuesday With Brittany & Kellie - EP 03 - Spiritual Warfare

3 years ago

#TestimonyTuesday With Brittany & Kellie - Episode 3 #TTWBK
This week & next week, we talk about several subjects about #SpiritualWarfare
How we overcome the enemy and his troops
How we can feel the battle that is going on
How we can use the Word of God as the #SwordOfTheSpirit to SLAY anything that comes against us
Personal experiences with spiritual attacks
Reasons why attacks can happen
How Jesus has already given us #VICTORY over it all!
#TheBattleIsNotOurs #ItBelongsToTheLord #HeHasNotLostOneYet #WeLoveGod #WeWantToSeeSoulsSaved #SoulsNeedToBeTheGoal #Period #PrayingForAllChurches #PrayingForThoseWhoHaveSpiritualHurt #Salvation #MusicLov3rz #WeStandUnitedInChrist

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