Today's show: NO ESCAPE ~ Daily Chaos

3 years ago

As the UK gov extends 'emergency powers' by 6 months without so much as a Commons vote... in fact only about 30 of 650 MPs even bothered to turn up to consider the erosion of human rights over the last 20+ months and the Deputy Speaker actually laughed as she said there would be no vote, and when some asshole Minister for Quaxx Michael Gove gets shouted at in the street then they and their puppet media pipe up with their crocodile tears wondering why we think they're *** such a complete bunch of total effing cnuts * and saying they need protection from us WHEN IT IS US THAT NEEDS PROTECTION FROM THEM.

...Continued for 94+ nations. Today DC is represented by at least 4...

* Australia: Craig Workman in the place cops now routinely beat you up just for laffs 'n giggles
* China: Angus Tuttle getting hassled by the CCP who won't let him leave his Hotel California
* Spain: That's me. Generally astounded at the apathy of humankind and frankly, given that, not sure I can be bothered to do this show anymore, I might just grow potatoes instead
* UK: Nigel Johnson is fighting to protect kids from getting quaxxed, Anthony Brown doesn't seem all that chuffed either, Jay Carey might pop on the show and who knows maybe we'll get some fretwork from Bugsy McDonagh

WHERE: 3-5pm UK | 10am-noon EDT
WHEN: chao . click/rumble
WHEN: revolution . radio (Studio A)
WHEN: wakeUpUK . net

So a busy show. To be honest I am not sure I can be motivated to do it though. Last few shows trying to get UKIP to talk about the Great Reset was like getting blood out of a stone, the useless wankers! Full marks to Kurten (Heritage Party) and Etheridge (Bullshit United), good men both, but the political class is pointless now. There is no political fix, #weThe People get real or get stuffed, simples.

buymeacoffee . com/dailychaos
DISCLOSURE: Last 4/5 shows I've had 5 quid in donations. Thank you Pauline. x
(And costs of 10 times that, by the way, plus a shedload of time.)

Here's to us and good ruddy luck!

(Yeah, OK, I'm having a moan. Has that freedom been rescinded too yet?)

Olly Connelly
Producer, Daily Chaos
Ordo ab ruddy chao!
dailychaos . news

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