Shocking Reports Ravi Zacharias Lived A Lifestyle Of Sin

3 years ago

What should believers think? What does the Bible say? Non should bash
What does the Bible say? We shouldn't bash anyone but we shouldn't ignore the truth. This is why I say put no man on a pedestal including myself. Pray and study the word of God for yourself. Pray about the things you hear me and others say. You need to know God for yourself. My stance is this... there is a huge difference between a mistake and a lifestyle of sin. Let's pray for all those affected. God is still good. I understand some unbelievers use things like this to say they don't want to serve God but most of the time they didn't want to serve God anyway. This just becomes an excuse. You know why? Because when we all stand before God at the throne we won't be able to blame anyone else for why we didn't serve and follow Him. It will just be you and God. I pray you work out your own salvation with fear and trembli

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