Terrified dog rescued from 85-feet-deep well after five days in western India

3 years ago

A stray dog fell into an 85-feet-deep well at a village near Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, in western India on September 14.

A few local men tried to rescue it in vain for five days before making a call to the Wildlife Rescue Society.

Rescuer Akash Jadhav and a team went to the village and decided to use a water storage drum, which the villagers had already lowered into the well, to rescue the dog.

A team member, Hrishikesh Pardesi, climbed down the well and tried to herd the dog into the drum. The dog, which was traumatised by the ordeal, felt further threatened and resisted the attempt.

Pardesi persisted and at the risk of getting bitten, reached out to the dog and put it inside the drum, which was then hauled up and set free.

Jadhav said: "As the drum was pulled up, we feared that the dog may jump out. Two of us went down halfway to calm it. I was happy to see it safe on the surface.”

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