10/19/2021 Taylor Michigan Second reading of "Beverly Site" Case #21-26 (Zc), Zoning Ordinance

3 years ago

Taylor City's Regular Council Meeting
23555 Goddard Rd, Taylor, MI 48180

6.1 Motion to approve the second reading of Case #21-26 (Zc), Zoning Ordinance to amend
Appendix A, City of Taylor, Michigan, Code of Ordinances, regulating the development and use of land to conditionally rezone parcel #60-015-99-0007-000, the southernmost 120 feet of parcel #60-015 -99-0014-000 and the northern approximately 1,338 feet of parcel #60-
015-99-0018 -000 of the SW ¼ Section 6, T.3S., R.10E., City of Taylor, Wayne County,
Michigan be conditionally rezoned from R -1C (Single Family Residential) to I-1 (Light Industrial) . The property is located on the north side of I-94 between Inkster and Holland roads (aka I-94 & Beverly site). This is a conditional (contract) rezoning.

Motion by Croft supported by Bzura
Winton = Yes
Croft = Yes
Johnson = Yes
Bzura = Yes
Patts = No
Ramik = No
Woolley = No


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