Chinese Communist Party Vaccine Plan

3 years ago

Chinese billionaire dissident, Miles Guo, financier of the Chinese Whistleblower Movement, which broke the story about Hunter Biden's laptop and which publishes the and websites has been correct in his assessments of the progress of the CCP's Unrestricted Warfare campaign against the US.

This is what Guo has to say about the vaccine mandates: 

"What the CCP wants the most is to have the troops get vaccinated. Once they get vaccinated, the US military will collapse and the CCP will triumph.

"After the US troops are vaccinated, I tell you the vaccination against the CCP virus will basically be near the end...Especially when Wall Street, Hollywood celebrities, the White House and the troops are vaccinated, I can assure you there will be no vaccination issue.

"The people implementing the vaccination are soon to be finished. Those who are pushing the vaccination behind the scenes will likely have achieved their goals. Vaccination will no longer be pushed, and the antidote will be certainly offered. The antidote will pop up.

"What is the antidote for? It's not to heal the damage brought by the vaccines, it's to prevent you from transmitting the virus instead of a remedy for the vaccines.

"Those who were vaccinated are sentenced to death. The antidote for the vaccines is still in the hands of the CCP. Since the CCP wants you to die, how would they offer the antidote to you?"

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