Cabinet Secretary MIA for 2 months

3 years ago

Like many of you, I only recently learned that the Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has been on two months paid paternity leave since August… here’s why that’s a problem. With today’s Americans for Limited Government Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. First.. here is how corporate media’s Chuck Todd is covering the issue.
“You’ve been under some bizarre attack for taking family leave by some loud mouths in our political system.”
“When someone welcomes a new child into their family and takes leave to take care of that child, it’s not a vacation, it’s wonderful, joyful, fulfilling work. But it’s work.”

I had a boss who was a Bush political appointee – and let me tell you –she literally worked around the clock. She slept with her phone next to her pillow – ready for calls from the cabinet secretary at any time of the day or night. For Buttigieg to go missing at home for two months during the worst supply chain crisis, since I don’t know when—is a total dereliction of duty. He ought to be fired!

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